How the world is built
The world is built in layers and each layer has its purpose.

The layers on which the world stands

Enoch: Hello to you again, my guide. You have no idea how much your explanations have changed the way I and my friends perceive the world. The fact that each and everyone one of us has a "software" instilled in one, that astounds me. 

TCG: You sound astonished, Enoch. Does it need any further clarification? Let us delve into that, talk about the "physics" of our lives: at the end of the day, the interaction is based on particles, where each and every one of them emits or absorbs a different one. For example, the electron, with its energy changing based on the "event". Remember how the creation of earth came to be, what came before what and more. This is how God had planned the whole event. 

Enoch: The physical explanation is not easy for me to understand; so what does God, this "force", wants from us? 

TCG: Since I am not God, I cannot know for sure but let us put this "equation" in front of us when we speak about the rat race which is life. 

Enoch: To what purpose? 

TCG: The world is made of "bricks and tiles", that is humans and animals. But we need to understand their purpose, as some are used to advance the world such as for research, the curing of disease, to increase the amount of food on this earth, desalinate the oceans and more. 

Enoch: I think I figured it out, but that is it?

TCG: We have not even started yet. Some of these people want to stop progress, hurt others and their infrastructure. Each and everyone lives in an egotistical manner which "guides them through life".

Enoch: So God guides them

TCG: Mostly God, but it is not that simple to understand. What is the purpose of these beings? Their roles? What is their will? Are they even the ones who decide or not? 

Enoch: According to your explanations, they do. 

TCG: Not entirely, Enoch. I have explained to you the role and will, as well as the goals, of God on earth. So how does God communicate with us? How does he relay his messages? 

Enoch: I am not sure. 

TCG: Via our DNA. Our heredity is how God communicates with us, which also separates us from the animals.

Enoch: "Heredity"? What do you mean? 

TCG: Heredity is how genetic material is inherited in beings; it is coded into genes, from one parents to his/her offspring in copulation. Our parents' DNA is what creates our separate DNA.

Enoch: So, our DNA is what has made our parents and the whole world? 

TCG: Precisely that, yes. This is similar to Face Recognition, with which law enforcement agencies can track people - so can God track us. We cannot escape this. 

Enoch: What are you saying?

TCG: If God can find us, it means he has something to relay to us. 

Enoch: And how does he do that, does he talk to us? 

TCG: You will soon find out.