Does God Exist?
Does God exist? Let us see using the process of elimination.

Enoch: You told me there is a way to prove Godhood exists. 

TCG: Not exactly what I meant, but I will use the "process of elimination" to explain it to you in plain English.
Enoch: I am pretty much familiar with it, but explain nonetheless please. 

TCG: Fine: we will reach the conclusion by striking out all the correct answers, that is we would be reaching the right answer through denying all other outcomes; so, if everything that we understand to be true is illogical, that is the evidence for God's existence. 

Enoch: Fine, but how exactly would you prove that God, in fact, exists? 

TCG: If I am able to, I will - shall we begin?

Enoch: I am ready. 

TCG: Let us assume that I want to sell a software product to you, yes? I would need to conduct a thorough market research, understand your Wants, Needs and Pains and only then would I know my product could answer your desires, right?

Enoch: So intricate.

TCG: Wait, I would like to give it a scientific method for that would be easier to explain. So, I have created the software product which now answers all your relevant criteria, you as consumers are happy with its capabilities and I have adapted it to your needs, wonderful no?

Enoch: Why are you telling me this?

TCG: To prove to you that God exists, no? Anyway, that is the pinnacle of creation, a software product which is compatible with all. 

Enoch: Fine, what do you want to say by uttering that?

TCG: I would like to speak about our "heredity", the human DNA, life on earth everywhere. If this super-force, called God, was a software designer, what could be easier than writing a single programme (DNA) for every living thing based on species? Who is that "madman" who would take each and every creature separately and write them each a personal software? Time after time, for aeons...?

Enoch: True, as none looks like the other, nor does it think necessarily the same, not man and not beast. 

TCG: Only a super-force which wanted, from day one, to create itself a life, which was very hard. Only this kind of force would want to create such work for millennia from the want of "research" for all earthlings, and create an interactions between them all. 

Enoch: And what is this "interaction"? 

TCG: This is the symbiosis between two (or more) beings and themselves, this is similar to Newton's Third Law ("every actions has a reaction of the same strength and at opposite direction"), that is that all forces of nature come in pairs. Does this make more sense to you now, Enoch? 

Enoch: I am not so certain anymore. 

 Anyhow, any being which could create such a "tailor-made software" for each and every creature to have lived could only be "God". 

Enoch: And that is how we have proven all the secrets you have brought up? 

TCG: We have only just begun; everything is so complex, fragile and flammable and nothing sits in place well. We must save and preserve everything, but I will explain further soon.